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Can Chili Rasboras Live with Bettas?

Bettas and Chili Rasboras are some of the vibrant-colored fish species out there.

It’s not surprising that these are popular among aquarists.

They make home aquariums aesthetically pleasing.

So, it’s pretty understandable why these species are much sought after.

But the question is, can Chili Rasboras with Betta? If you’re passionate about fish, you would know the aggressive behavior of Bettas.

Hence, they are usually described as the worst tankmates in the aquarium community.

Also, given Chili Rasboras’ small size, it seems impossible to keep these species together.

Surprisingly, they can coexist peacefully.

Find out more below.

Understanding Chili Rasboras

Chili Rasboras are tiny fish species native to Indonesia.

They are found in the swamps of South West Borneo and are officially referred to as Boraras brigittae.

Despite its small features, this fiery red fish is a visual delight.

Due to its vibrant coloration, they are adored by aquarists.

The typical size of this fish is over 0.

7 inches long.

A five-gallon tank will be fine for this fish type.

When it comes to water parameters, the ideal temperature is between 68°F and 82°F.

They are pretty sensitive to water level changes.

We suggest getting a water testing kit to see if the appropriate temperature is met.

Chili Rasboras, also known as mosquito Rasboras, are calm and timid.

Once they are comfortable with the new settings, exploration starts.

This fish thrives when they are in groups since they are schooling fish.

Putting these fish in groups would be better if you plan to maintain a community tank.

Understanding Bettas

Bettas are also another brightly colored fish that are widely admired among aquarists.

It’s a small-sized fish that has extraordinary fins and vibrant coloration.

This fish species is quite dominant, especially male Bettas.

Because of this, it often leads to aggressive behavior with other fish.

They are considered one of the worst tankmates as they often bully or harass others.

In comparison, female Bettas are less aggressive and a better tank partner.

Bettas are native to Southeast Asia and are also a national aquatic animal of Thailand.

Due to their distinct look, they are famous globally and are widely imported.

This fish is also intelligent and is used for betting, which is closely similar to cockfighting.

It’s also popularly known as ‘Siamese fighting fish.


Since it’s a small fish, a five-gallon tank will be good.

It’s a freshwater fish and requires an ideal temperature of 74 °F – 81°F.

Can Chili Rasboras Live With Bettas?

It’s surprising, but Chili Rasboras and Bettas can live in a tank together.

Many would think it’s impossible due to Betta’s aggressive behavior.

However, Chili Rasboras are fast swimmers and don’t see Bettas as a threat despite being tiny fish.

Now, it doesn’t mean that this tiny critter is out of danger.

In fact, large-sized Bettas may view them as food.

Hence, it’s vital to consider Betta’s type.

There are different species of Bettas.

Some are bigger, which are real threats to Chili Rasboras.

Additionally, the territorial nature of Bettas is likely to stress this tiny fish.

Hence, it’s crucial to consider these aspects before keeping them together, or it will become a potential diet for Bettas.

Keeping aside the differences, both thrive in similar water parameters.

Even the diet is the same.

Furthermore, the tank requirement is also similar.

We suggest decorating the tank with plants as protection or shield for Boraras against aggressive Bettas.

Know that male Bettas are more aggressive than their female counterpart.

So, keep the one male Betta for two or three female Bettas.

It will prevent fights and thus create a peaceful environment.

We also recommend putting Raboras first in the tank before Bettas to avoid dominance.

Since Bettas are territorial, they may mark the area, and intrusion will lead to aggression.

Chili Rasboras loves to explore, and it will trigger its feisty tank partner.

If you plan to keep them together, get a large capacity tank to avoid fights and bullying.

Compatibility Consideration

Bettas and Chili Rasboras share many similarities when it comes to living conditions.

Whether water temperature, tank size, or diet, both share similar needs.

These factors make them an ideal tank partner.

However, there is a downside too.

Chili Rasboras are docile and may get bullied by Bettas if not in groups.

Additionally, bigger-sized Bettas may see them as a food source instead of being a tankmate.

So, it’s crucial to consider these factors before keeping them together.

A hostile environment is less likely to occur if you take proper care and measure.

Most importantly, maintain a large tank for these species.

It will prevent attacks and bullying from Bettas.

Also, keep the water clean and remove dead plants to avoid the spread of diseases.

They are easy to care for and less challenging if you pay heed to necessary factors.

As an aquarist, you must be wary of the dos and don’ts.

Maintaining a home aquarium is challenging, as one needs to be very diligent.

If you’re new, we advise you to understand the fish species well before starting your aquarium journey.

In this case, Bettas and Chili Rasboras can cohabitate peacefully, giving much relief to aquarists worldwide.

They make an excellent ornamental fish for home aquariums due to their vibrant coloration and pattern.

Both are unique-looking fish species, and keeping them together gives your home aquarium a visual delight.


All in all, Chili Raboras and Bettas can live in a tank together.

You can maintain a community tank with these species.

They are easy to care requiring similar water temperature, diet, and tank size.

When in groups, Chili Rasboras can fend for themselves from Bettas, especially males.

We suggest getting smaller type Bettas to keep with Chili Rasboras.

Putting a bigger species, Betta will be more of a threat as they will see this tiny fish as food.

It would be better to consider various factors before keeping them together.

Although they are compatible, it’s essential to take necessary measures.

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